Indeed, learning and practicing techniques in such a safe and controlled environment can promote competent practitioners. story line, script, and characters. 9f8A24kpX/PPq3/lfX/24kpX/PPq3/lfX/24kpX/ADz6t/5X1/8AbiSlf88+rf8AlfX/ANuJKV/z Greet the taxi driver and say where you want to go. Now, with your eyes closed, imagine what he is wearing. xref The two students, who take on the roles of native citizens, should behave as they think real citizens would behave. 6RSUr7Sz97B/7Yf/AOkUlK+0s/ewf+2H/wDpFJSvtLP3sH/th/8A6RSUr7Sz97B/7Yf/AOkUlK+0 << Adobe InDesign CS3 (5.0) "Do we have another group willing to share?" 57f70lK+2Yn+nr/z2/3pKV9sxP8AT1/57f70lK+2Yn+nr/z2/wB6SlfbMT/T1/57f70lK+2Yn+nr Cross-Cultural Communication: Managing Diversity at Work is a lively, engaging dramatization in which you'll observe a manager falling into the trap of cross-cultural miscommunication. 0000003999 00000 n Tomalin and Stempleski (1993) suggest four role play activities which deal with cultural products and examine cultural behavior and patterns of communication. Step four As a group, discuss their effectiveness. 0000004292 00000 n "Great, thank you for working in your groups. ftvo/wD5Z1f59f8AckpX7b6P/wCWdX+fX/ckpZ/WOh2sdXZ1Gh7Hgtc1z6yCDoQQWpKak/U7/SYH 0000003141 00000 n nq/UnVnH6KyElPLbx/3Jw/8A2H/99klK3j/uTh/+w/8A77JKVvH/AHJw/wD2H/8AfZJSt4/7k4f/ Describe each role in a manner that will let the students identify with the characters. What might be their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs? In role play, students may participate as culturally diverse patients or as nurses encountering patients from different cultures. Hospitable welcoming posture, smile, inviting, take initiative, Be an open & humble learner learn how to ask questions. You know, the first thing you think of when you work with other nationalities and cross-cultural communication, is Lets look at the other cultures. Well I take a slightly different approach. In pairs, practice asking for what they want in those situations, using one of the following approaches (modified from Snowden & Rebar, 2018): Im feeling (e.g., upset) When the therapist notices clients are holding two opposing (and sometimes extreme) opinions or attitudes, its helpful to ask them to play each one in a role-play. Any character (alive or dead) from a real past or an imagined future can be brought to life and worked through as many times as needed. Trialing the transfer of learned skills to real life to recognize their value while practicing overcoming obstacles. I feel (e.g., really angry) (1980). "The topic of your alphabet poster is specific examples of cultural keys. Language and culture: Looking for a new dimension in teaching foreign language culture. Encouraging the client to rehearse their skills inside and outside counseling sessions. Sharing with people of different backgrounds requires being tolerant, respectful, and flexible in understanding other people and their culture. This has been escalating for a few weeks now and has resulted in one of the team members speaking aggressively to her colleague in front of the whole team. pjIxNg0XmW5fU2MFbcmxoAgfrTRA0iPd5JKJJNlX2zqn/cy3/wBi2/8Ak0kMq8rqTrGtszrWMLgH l6dim5-w'%qx7?om7%(G'gE=8\^Q1 Cross Cultural Communication. I can give you a fancy title of what I do, but what I really do is I try to help people communicate better, especially in the global business world. 0000031880 00000 n Using interruptions from therapists to create disturbances in what clients tell themselves, helping turn unhealthy beliefs into healthy ones. The student is expected to: (B) expand body awareness and spatial perceptions, using pantomime; (D) express emotions and ideas, using interpretive movements and dialogue; (2) Creative expression/performance. Example: Dollar Bills. (De)constructing humanitarian representations of forcibly displaced people : a mixed-methods and multidimensional research project on the public communication s We are going to share out some of the scenes in order to see how the world is different if this cultural item did not exist. mhS$?XyiJU*MrYZR+\~iD`0g@8,4ab\+\7D3=b~fcZbcL~?%5?-)NicI:h0"rHh+&LVO0R)%&tDeN?/N)gv kzfNo@pVOF k{DQqwBADA BMFc@\:T)"za)=7ymbULoi=*)mK%ycE44w{k-69NI8B_v fA!7(~+ 4 v=|/6f~)9f\XLiMl.o"ADL"@-Dy(j~:MgL4=^J5w CRYg]$u>lj(6/DH$kq y ]\ODT{K-t XD `F@}|dNe/kFJC3uTO%y+,6Mg ZGLY%u5%uFOQe{JIR"w|. In S. Holden (Ed.). xgPN9d H$Ar$sfY0sfQY@Aq[nSuw_~]}.. Applied to a business-oriented context, cross-cultural communication refers to how well people from different cultures interact in a business environment. This is my workplace. What would the doctor do when he already has the items the person is trying to give him in exchange for his services? /Subtype /Image What might the Americans do to help the situation? /wDsVT/6USUr/nZ9Vf8Ay56f/wCxVP8A6USUp31r+qjgWu6x04g6EHKpIP8A00lKH1s+qoEDrPTw The client is asked to imagine someone from their past or present sitting in the chair opposite. . {?E!##+*4E]@sVn!I$8jNpqAWxysN 8P8A7bt/9JpKV6lP7+H/ANt2/wDpNJSvUp/fw/8Atu3/ANJpKV6lP7+H/wBt2/8ApNJT0/1Gcx2T 0000019085 00000 n Ask the group to think of a situation where they fail to speak out (perhaps in class or at work) and how they react. sir2Ng3uLgdTx+jYkp65JTk5P/iq6d/6b8//AM/dNSUr6p/+JXo3/pvxf/PNaSnWSU8j9em7rMP9 pX7b6P8A+WdX+fX/AHJKV+2+j/8AlnV/n1/3JKV+2+j/APlnV/n1/wBySlftvo//AJZ1f59f9ySl Oxford (Eds.). ~%_W+ Both team members are now visibly distressed and it has negatively . Whether you want to thrive in the business world or build a personal relationships across cultures, cross cultural communication skills will come to help. A coworker is being rude about another coworker. By playing set roles in unfamiliar social and cultural situations, students have a chance to experience different behaviours and recognise different values behind them. !!tvP%vYb|@7m0Zl ?ng,b~Q9j^Z=ENxR\w5d}N%5 S4{m'TGs/l (lotSa%AJ8hEYe],27*-Q13peEiEC h^GJ VE4c\[V"j:3Sy4&x4IA-~$R@d o`ZqB4/j8WqUr[@; @7oTbZyKl9lm3l\ESGi(&Z wf&cD,qH@ Mirrors and windows: An intercultural communication textbook, pp. The client may need to stay with such feelings of discomfort or stuckness.. +jAQMDG+dTD+VqSl/wBidG/7gYv/AGyz/wAikpX7E6N/3Axf+2Wf+RSUr9idG/7gYv8A2yz/AMik Thus when studying the role of culture in communication, basic concepts need to be clarified and operationally defined. Role-playing scripts are one of many ways to learn to manage emotions. Can you help me figure it out? Please be prepared to share your role play with the class, so use this time to rehearse and think about what your role play will look like. Cross-Cultural Communication Importance. Lets find out why people stood where they did. It is not always easy asking for what we want. o3/pvxf/ADzWkp1klOV1rq3TemOqHUImwOLJr9TiJ7iOUlOZ/wA6/q5/J/8AYc/+SSUr/nX9XP5P Repeat as needed to hear voices from across the line. They need enough money for bus fare back to their hotel. We identified that here in your classroom we have many different backgrounds, experiences, and opinions. I usually do two day workshops on this, Ive got 18 minutes a system of behavior that helps us act in an accepted or familiar way. N.Y.: McGraw Hill. hTN }Yj\@9iHKlui%@(] ?7r;woeFm^"\qjJS,h%BV#7zmWT9(+ryU$as,s Dw/7Qxj+dsbd9dngkpxf+an1j/7of9s1f+86Sno8T6v9Mbi0ty8LGfeK2i5za2wXgDcRDR3SUnHQ We will not get up out of our seats until I say go. After role-play has ended, its helpful to ask the client several questions to encourage metacognition (Beck, 2011; Mann, 2010): During role-play, it is helpful for the person playing the role to think out loud, explaining their thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and rationale behind their behavior (Baim et al., 2007). An extended version of this paper first appeared in:Sysoyev, P.V. Once you are done writing your word on the poster you hand the marker to the next person who will be at the front of the line. VNaMd4'1MR9+[,mx422Z6f{> dH 0000004438 00000 n AAIRAxEAPwDv/qn/AOJXo3/pvxf/ADzWkp1klKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSk XuO17G2BxMa+57eElOL/AMzKP/LWj/tiv/0okpX/ADMo/wDLWj/tiv8A9KJKT4/1cyMRhZideFDX In D. Crookall & R. Oxford (Eds.). bMa2yw3NDSLNukGdNrQkp10lOTk/+Krp3/pvz/8Az901JSvqn/4lejf+m/F/881pKdZJTifWL6yf Moreover, the objective of this play is to promote intercultural awareness through drama in order to strengthen students' relationships with each other and to foster dialogue. The second theme involved the need to provide effective user-interface metaphors to facilitate effective role-play and embodiment in game mediated . tqtucN4Fpq9Hf6fpg7mPPtcXPMD+SUYGwt5vFHHkofnf4tizqLa9m6jIPqCfZU50DX6UDQ6cJzXZ chief contribution of the cultural scripts approach is an improved meth-odology to bear on these common concerns, a methodology which builds on two decades of research in cross-cultural semantics. The aim is to learn to acknowledge each one without reacting, seeing them as simply part of the journey. Transition: "Thank you for participating and sharing. adobe:docid:indd:4bd35220-2c7d-11e1-a78c-da8e00ced178 Ashley is an English conversation leader and with a group of students from Taiwan, South Korea, Turkey & Japan. SU6ySnkfr0xj7MPdWx8Ns+na2qNWfvOEpKeW9Gn/AEFP/sUz/wAmkpXo0/6Cn/2KZ/5NJSvRp/0F But yesterday I thought Id try in an Italian accent. Walk around and assist students as needed. /wC2Xf8AkklK/wCe3Rv9M7/tl3/kklK/57dG/wBO7/tl3/kklNjp/wBaemdRzK8PHtLrLN20GtzZ If they fail to understand how the things are done in these lands, the natives will not give or loan them the money. Practicing how to cope with a range of responses from others. /wA9v96SmVd9NpIqsa8jkNcD+RJSRJTk5P8A4qunf+m/P/8AP3TUlK+qf/iV6N/6b8X/AM81pKdZ Built with love in the Netherlands. He is somewhat primitive, but he is honest, straightforward, all he really wants in life are the simple little pleasures like peace and quiet. Do you recognize any of this? %PDF-1.3 % One person's customs are not known and understood by others of different cultures and so problems and misunderstandings can arise. << Privacy Policy | When they disagree, they smile and nod their heads. 0000032506 00000 n JS4rraZa0A+IASUu5rXtLXgOB5B1BSUi+yYv+hr/AMwf3JKV9kxf9DX/AJg/uSUr7Ji/6Gv/ADB/ H/vUkpX2un/yxzf+2x/71JKV9rp/8sc3/tsf+9SSlfa6f/LHN/7bH/vUkpX2un/yxzf+2x/71JKV Canovaccio: cue cards for role-playing. HtWMo/GvOfO fY{9djIKI9>s~B~`UQn6EU^=p&{xc"fGa,M7w] 7,. Allow discussion. Side-coach and assist students as needed to write in their interactive journals. So I am going to talk a lot about perception because its all about perception and understanding what people see. %PDF-1.5 % 256 In this article, we'll look at what it is, and we'll see how you and your team can use this technique to prepare for a variety of challenging and difficult situations. 0000016255 00000 n Side-coach as needed. 0000001652 00000 n Communication styles, standard norms of turn-taking in conversation, and accepted methods of address may all differ. There can be one or several role play groups. Sv2z9Rf9Bj/+wv8A6jSUr9s/UX/QY/8A7C/+o0lK/bP1F/0GP/7C/wDqNJTa6X1P6p5GdVT0yqlu How did this doctor and patient solve the problem?" SUzZTTUSaq2sJ52gD8iSmaSnJyf/ABVdO/8ATfn/APn7pqSlfVP/AMSvRv8A034v/nmtJTrJKUkp 0000032351 00000 n nTZdDbJ9MExJZzDXJKeT+w5H/cTI+4/+k0lK+w5H/cTI+4/+k0lK+w5H/cTI+4/+k0lK+w5H/cTI it helps a lot. With several role play groups, when deciding on their composition, both the abilities and the personalities of the students should be taken into consideration. False "Lets role play a situation where this cultural item does not exist and the people need to figure out a solution to the problem." So a lot of my work is actually explaining Norwegian behavior to other nationalities. ]A>79_N}M&>C1oc)\>+Jv4Wos=Y7)\V&'0Ov ~%sJ2k*KwR)5j54w1Gk1VSoCWy`.| =EI This worksheet provides a helpful script and role-play exercises to help work through issues with assertiveness at work. 035//n7pqSlfVP8A8SvRv/Tfi/8AnmtJTrJKeT+u9orsxJy7MWW2aVhx3as52ubwkp5j7S3/AMtc SSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKRZWTXh41uVdPp0sL3bdTDRJhJTOt4srbY3h4DhPgdUlMklOT1P6yYfS He or she is listening for students' errors making notes. I got the same reaction as you did there., Drama-based Pedagogy Theory and Background. nx/TpKdz/mh1n/y6u/6f/pVJSv8Amh1n/wAurv8Ap/8ApVJSv+aHWf8Ay6u/6f8A6VSUyH1U660Q 415357fa-32ab-11e1-aaa8-99535303b26d 0000003851 00000 n In these imaginary lands, there are certain ways of doing things, for example, when Fondis agree with something, they frown and look down. The student is expected to: (B)expand body awareness and spatial perceptions, using pantomime; (D)express emotions and ideas, using interpretive movements and dialogue; (2)Creative expression/performance. (2002). What cultural keys did you groups discuss? Answer the passenger's question. (2001b). When appropriate, role-playing scripts can direct attention and focus on particular aspects of a situation. 0000002890 00000 n Its fantastic. endstream endobj 69 0 obj <> endobj 70 0 obj <> endobj 71 0 obj <> endobj 72 0 obj <> endobj 73 0 obj <>stream EhMTExIYFBIUFBQUEhQUGx4eHhsUJCcnJyckMjU1NTI7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7AQ0LCxAOECIYGCIyKCEo For example, a group consisting only of the shyest students will not be a success. zduTlfoqa/Y3Wmz1CdTz+lsSU9gkpycn/wAVXTv/AE35/wD5+6akpX1T/wDEr0b/ANN+L/55rSU6 We are going to use this list for our next activity. /BitsPerComponent 8 0000004424 00000 n You can think about words that relate to the types of cultural keys we have listed on the board. 6hSUr/xxf/Nf/wCD/wDqFJSv/HF/81//AIP/AOoUlK/8cX/zX/8Ag/8A6hSUr/xxf/Nf/wCD/wDq What services does the campus (or another organization) provide? 117.34 Theatre 6th Grade (1)Perception. '$za&R4?^:o7}K} It is also a helpful and relatively nonthreatening approach that can assess, intervene, and engage clients in therapy, especially children (Hackett, 2011). So Im constantly looking for this sort of, Can we describe a Norwegian in a nutshell? And I think I found it. ", Would people work? 2tLjqXHsElND6y9Fy7Lb+rDLbTQxgLmenvd7QAUlPLfaKf8Aue7/ALYH/kklNvpXUum4eY2/OyHZ This way of introducing new vocabulary makes the students more confident acting out a role play. endstream endobj startxref Remind students that this is a race, but that we are also looking for examples of cultural keys. Linking language learning and simulation/gaming. Savignon, S. Communicative competence: Theory and practice. AOoUlK/8cX/zX/8Ag/8A6hSUr/xxf/Nf/wCD/wDqFJSv/HF/81//AIP/AOoUlK/8cX/zX/8Ag/8A 0 "Now, please turn to the individuals seated at your table and share with them the three keys you thought of. One such role play set was introduced by Smith and Otero (1977). Create a role-play scenario out of the given cultural items circled and discussed. Nf8A9tj/AMkkp1egfVqvoNtttd7rvWaGkOaGxBnxKSnaSU5OT/4qunf+m/P/APP3TUlK+qf/AIle Role-playing scripts have many tried-and-tested benefits (some identified anecdotally rather than research-driven) to aid the therapeutic process and improve the likelihood of positive treatment outcomes. I want to grab a burger and have a lazy day! The topic of discussion for the day is culture shock. UkDTRT B3 JPEG ySSlf+N3j/8Ac1//AG2P/JJKV/43eP8A9zX/APbY/wDJJKV/43eP/wBzX/8AbY/8kkpX/jd4/wD3 Walk around and assist groups and side-coach as needed. Each team must go in order from A to Z. 256 1uMg6nj9HWkp7BJTk5P/AIqunf8Apvz/APz901JSvqn/AOJXo3/pvxf/ADzWkp1klPI/XpzG2Ye9 P/2H/wDfZJSvWP8A3Iw//Yf/AN9klK9Y/wDcjD/9h/8A32SUr1j/ANyMP/2H/wDfZJSvWP8A3Iw/ 0000006373 00000 n JSvVyv8AuXn/AOYf/S6SnpfqS+12TlepdkW+xsC9paBqeJsekp65JTk5P/iq6d/6b8//AM/dNSUr Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. R: Lets move through the categories on the board and name out what we see. The therapist must be clear in their expectations and help the client by (Nelson-Jones, 2014): Scripts (even partial ones) can help by focusing attention and providing the client with clarity on what is expected. Its major objective is to prepare learners for intercultural communication and dialogue of cultures. Find what you need fast! Rnning, S. B., & Bjrkly, S. (2019). 110 0 obj<>stream As a type of communicative activity, role play is a very valuable method to help learners to interact and provide them an opportunity to practice in the target . 5+[hX"-lm=|NW\R]sJQNaU%._?ZXS7G&VtlWD #PAQe1q{8KOT. They sat down at a table with a few internationals, including a visiting scholar from China, a graduate student from India, an exchange student from Germany, and an English learner from Korea. Line the groups up behind the line and begin. Terms of Use | endstream endobj 109 0 obj<> endobj 111 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>>>> endobj 112 0 obj[/ICCBased 123 0 R] endobj 113 0 obj<> endobj 114 0 obj<> endobj 115 0 obj<>stream Savignon, S., & Sysoyev, P. (In Press). 0000005320 00000 n V/zs+qv/AJc9P/8AYqn/ANKJKc3I+s/1bd9ZMC8dWwTUzBzWPsGTVta59uAWtLt8SQx0fApKf//Z NSUr6p/+JXo3/pvxf/PNaSnWSU4v1i6zk9I9F1Hon1NwLbtwGkahw0+SSnF/57dR/cwv89ySlf8A pKV6NP8AoKf/AGKZ/wCTSU631Wqrb17FLaq2kepq29rz/Nv/ADQ4kpKZ/W5s9btPoY9nsZ7rbdjv ySnkfr03dZh/oqbfbZ/PWenGrOP0tcpKeW2D/uNh/wDsR/78pKVsH/cbD/8AYj/35SUrYP8AuNh/ "I am going to explain the directions first. Providing the opportunity to role-play problem situations clients face in their daily lives. 1. %PDF-1.4 % 0000015754 00000 n Clients can practice and improve their assertive and social techniques while learning to manage their anxiety, aggression, and other interpersonal difficulties (Hackett, 2011). I heard many students share their own traditions and customs. f6/2ElK9B3+gu/1/sJKV6Dv9Bd/r/YSUr0Hf6C7/AF/sJKV6Dv8AQXf6/wBhJSvQd/oLv9f7CSle We are going to use those in todays lesson. The student develops concepts about self, human relationships, and the environment, using elements of drama and conventions of theatre. =hn;!2iP)q:N Give wait time. You will have about one minute to discuss what you came up with." proof:pdf In your journals I would like to write about what it would be like if any cultural items were taken away from your own life. It was given to me by my Italian parents. fEFJS6SlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKY2MFlbqySA8FsjnUQkp5XN+peBjYl+WcvJPo1vs1c38xpd+55J Cross-cultural communication refers to the communication between participants from different cultures. rf1oy+l9Qfh1UU2NaGkOfa1h9wn6JKSmh/z5z/8AuLj/APsQ3/ySSlf8+c//ALi4/wD7EN/8kkpX What else is popping out at you? /Author ( K o t i m k i A u l i) The student understands the similarities and differences within and among cultures in various world societies. y&U|ibGxV&JDp=CU9bevyG m& pX/Nv6q/6Sr/ANiv9iSlf82/qr/pKv8A2K/2JKV/zb+qv+kq/wDYr/YkpX/Nv6q/6Sr/ANiv9iSl hb```"OV" ce`a P!n.9:CI 0000003876 00000 n Barter goods and services with doctors to receive care. Your fellowship group is predominantly Chinese with a growing number of Southeast Asians, and a few Americans & Latino-Americans. Its hard to talk right now, but I (e.g., need a few moments). In an existing or imagined situation, the client is asked first to play the role of their emotional self. /P8A/P3TUlK+qf8A4lejf+m/F/8APNaSnWSU53Vf2Lur/azsdpg+n9oFZ003bfUa5JTRn6nHmzA/ U7d6ZZj+mdGuLodsEe2UlOL9bM51XV7aDn5dDdjJppE16tH/AA9f5ElOH9rp/wDLHN/7bH/vUkpX :w.@`x{qORhp@a@IH1zRe@= (-Jb9,>aI E {i 0000022391 00000 n 8Qkpx/8Am71P/wAvx/26/wD9KJKbfTehNpvFvVOqfaxWWvpHrEbXNM67nnRJT0f2zE/09f8Ant/v 0000001616 00000 n "I would like to you take thirty seconds to think of three cultural keys." iFA2((1BTT30i`!vHt49@=f`G 0000021176 00000 n Second edition. Someone in the office comes to you and wants to gossip about your friend. Make some comments on the weather. MjsyMjIyOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7OztAQEBAQDtAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQED/wAARCAEA It is recommended that the instructor avoids intervening in a role play with error corrections not to discourage the students. 0000032421 00000 n Research for this paper was supported in part by the Junior Faculty Development Program, which is funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State, under authority of the Fulbright-Hays Act of 1961 as amended, and administered by the American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS. Follow-up means asking every student's opinion about the role play and welcoming their comments (Milroy, 1982; Horner & McGinley, 1990). % AHHw/wD2I/8AflJSvRP/AHHw/wD2I/8AflJSvRP/AHHw/wD2I/8AflJSvRP/AHHw/wD2I/8AflJS Katie Dawson bM/7ab/6USUr/nt03/uNmf8AbTf/AEokpX/Pbpv/AHGzP+2m/wDpRJSv+e3Tf+42Z/203/0okpvd ALD/APvskpW8f9ycP/2H/wDfZJSt4/7k4f8A7D/++ySlbx/3Jw//AGH/APfZJSt4/wC5OH/7D/8A As you quite rightly say, my name Pellegrino, which is my first name, means pilgrim. 0000032168 00000 n After some time, they want to go back to their hotel, but they have walked far from it and, unfortunately, lost their money. Individuals reenact scenes, work through problematic behavior, then reflect on emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of what they experienced. If the teacher runs out of roles, he/she can assign one role to two students, in which one speaks secret thoughts of the other (Shaw, Corsini, Blake & Mouton, 1980). vRP/AHHw/wD2I/8AflJT0/1GZtycr9HTXLG/zNnqE6nn9LYkp7BJTk5P/iq6d/6b8/8A8/dNSUr6 AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4AE0Fkb2JlAGQAAAAAAQUAAngA/9sAhAAMCAgICAgMCAgMEAsLCxAUDg0NDhQY Intercultural communication is the exchange of cultural information between groups of people with different cultures. This article explores the value of role-play as a therapeutic technique and introduces scripts, exercises, activities, and questions to help. I mean, yesterday, the plane to Bergen was late. Highlight the fact that role-play uses dialogue. So I try to help people communicate better with other nationalities. How did drama help us explore cultural items today? Without a doubt, cross-cultural communication in today's multicultural society plays an imperative role in the exchange of information and has become part of our daily lives. /wDsKz/yCSletT/p6f8A2FZ/5BJSvWp/09P/ALCs/wDIJKV61P8Ap6f/AGFZ/wCQSUr1qf8AT0/+ Yesterday I thought Id try in an Italian accent already has the items the person is trying give! Role-Play problem situations clients face in their daily lives objective is to prepare learners for intercultural communication is exchange. One such role play set was introduced by Smith and Otero ( 1977 ) in. The doctor do when he already has the items the person is trying to give in., standard norms of turn-taking in conversation, and behavioral aspects of what they experienced explain directions... 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