The Central State Eight released the All-Conference and Academic All-Conference list for the winter 2021 season. Wright added nine rebounds for the Eagles (8-8, 1-1 Mid-Eastern Athletic . Like The Work Of Deep Dish Football And Coach Big Pete. Now the Raiders wont make a trip longer than 2 hours, 30 minutes. Boyd, an all-state running back and all-conference safety for the . Were used to being the smaller school among the teams that weve faced, Cornell said. Billings Central's Kade Boyd carries the ball during the Class A football state championship game against Lewistown on Nov. 19. Sacred Heart-Griffin rallies past Rochester in wild IHSA football state semifinal, CS8 is scheduled to team with the Big 12 Conference for crossover games, joined the Big 12 for the 2021 spring season, Big 12, Central State Eight partner for nonconference IHSA football games starting in 2023, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. By Pioneer staff reports . Winner will travel to #1 Hastings St. Cecilia on Tuesday. Follow, The Scoreboard: Monday, January 16 Central State Eight will have Jacksonville and Glenwood both make deep playoff runs this season. One division will include Sacred Heart-Griffin, Springfield High, Quincy Notre Dame, Jacksonville, Lanphier and Southeast. Enter your email address, click "Subscribe" and don't forget to check your email to confirm your FREE subscription. JACKSON, Miss. QND joined. The Crusaders will travel to #4 Scotus Central Catholic on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 5:30 PM. [7][8] Lincoln High School is scheduled to rejoin the conference in the 2023-2024 school year. In all honesty I have heard about the supposed downfall of Rochester for this upcoming season. .hpA9KH{bottom:0;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;width:100%}.ZBkohq{transform:translateY(-100%);transition:.2s ease-in}.JIWevs{transition:.2s}.gc4CJA{opacity:0;transition:.2s ease-in}.gc4CJA.UV2YFD{z-index:-1!important}.VKd4GJ{opacity:1;transition:.2s}.pwLEnC{height:auto}.UEjKbP,.pwLEnC{position:relative;width:100%}:host(:not(.device-mobile-optimized)) .SuxpUn,body:not(.device-mobile-optimized) .SuxpUn{margin-left:calc((100% - var(--site-width))/2);width:var(--site-width)}.IYiY1U[data-focuscycled=active]{outline:1px solid transparent}.IYiY1U[data-focuscycled=active]:not(:focus-within){outline:2px solid transparent;transition:outline .01s ease}.IYiY1U .Mf6OQK{background-color:var(--screenwidth-corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg,1)));bottom:var(--bgPosition,0);box-shadow:var(--shd,0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.7));top:var(--bgPosition,0)}.IYiY1U .Mf6OQK,.IYiY1U .Qn3VFs{left:0;position:absolute;right:0}.IYiY1U .Qn3VFs{border-bottom:var(--outerLineSize,3px) solid var(--screenwidth-corvid-border-color,rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1)));border-top:var(--outerLineSize,3px) solid var(--screenwidth-corvid-border-color,rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1)));bottom:var(--bordersPosition,6px);top:var(--bordersPosition,6px)}.IYiY1U .vQZLTi{border-bottom:var(--innerLineSize,1px) solid rgba(var(--brd2,var(--color_14)),var(--alpha-brd2,1));border-top:var(--innerLineSize,1px) solid rgba(var(--brd2,var(--color_14)),var(--alpha-brd2,1));bottom:var(--lineGap,5px);left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:var(--lineGap,5px)} These high schools are all members of the Illinois High School Association. TULARE COUNTY, Calif. -- Authorities identified six people - including a 16-year-old mother and her 10-month-old baby - who were killed in a shooting early Monday at a home in central California. Wright added nine rebounds for the Eagles (8-8, 1-1 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference). We also appreciate updates to coaches' names. January 17, 2023 3:43 AM. They're joining a very competitive conference, a conference in which they couldn't be happier to join, Hampsey said. While the name implies that the conference has eight schools, there are actually ten schools currently active, due to other schools changing conference affiliations. Muddy River News LLC535 Maine, Suite 4AQuincy, IL 62301, Copyright 2023 Muddy River Sports All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy, QND to join Central State 8 Conference for football only beginning in 2024, 'Sometimes its a bounce, sometimes its just luck': Coakley's putback beats buzzer and Panthers as Hawks rally for GLVC victory. As is every June conference previews and again please remember predictions and previews mean crap. TAYLORSVILLE, N.C. On Tuesday, Jan. 10, the Watauga Pioneers boy's basketball team traveled out for a conference game to Alexander Central to take on the Cougars, where the home team won 47-66. Also, unlike some prep writers who take credit and copy and paste the coach's work off a crap team questionnaire I do my own work. Well, it sounds like Sacred Heart Griffin wins the CS8 in fashion. I am so grateful to them. Quincy Notre Dame will begin competition in the 2024-2025 school year. making the Springfield area and Decatur-based league an . "Zach can score from . It existed for several decades. Hampsey said the league particularly entertained the prospect of acquiring a new school for football with Lincoln set to rejoin next school year. A preview of the Central State Eight Conference in Illinois! Mobile, Inc. and Central State Eight Conference. Heres how the varsity schedule will work: The Raiders will have Week 1 and Week 2 open for non-conference opponents. The Central State Eight Conference is a high school athletic conference in the Illinois High School Association (IHSA), based in Central Illinois. GREENSBORO The Alexander Central girls basketball team stepped out of conference play for a battle with Northwest Guilford as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Classic on Monday at Northeast . Facebook-squareTwitter-square Home Features All-Access Big Nasty Basketball Upickem Football UPickEm Fill the Trailer Food Drive Jr. Blues Updates Lite of the Night Pep Rally Pop Quiz Winners - The Mix Quincy Notre Dame will join the Central State Eight Conference for football exclusively beginning in the 2024-25 school year. [1], Jacksonville joined the short-lived Greater Midwestern Conference (along with Chatham Glenwood, Hannibal (Missouri), Macomb & Quincy Notre Dame) for five years, then become an independent. Decatur Eisenhower is just looking to build a program and winning cures all. The Raiders last were able to fill a complete conference schedule in 2013 when they returned to the West Central Conference. Do you want to receive the Muddy River Sports sportsletter in your inbox every morning? Click the Purchase Story button below to order a print of this story. 1. Springfield, Springfield Lanphier & Springfield Southeast joined Pekin, Peoria Bergan, Peoria Central, Peoria Manual, Peoria Richwoods, Peoria Spalding & Peoria Woodruff in the Mid-State # Conference (where # indicated the number of active members at that given time). Last year 2021 was pure anarchy and no one knew what was going on. . The conference was established in . .SsY_2i .UGHfip{border-left:var(--lnw,3px) solid rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1));height:100%}.SsY_2i{min-width:0!important;width:0!important}.SsY_2i .UGHfip{width:100%} BOTTOM LINE: North Alabama aims to break . Springfield gets a new Head Coach in Coach Hebb, and they lose a big star Rochelle, but I never ever bet against the Senators. .nTOEE9{height:100%;overflow:hidden;width:100%}.nTOEE9.sqUyGm:hover{cursor:url(),auto}.nTOEE9.C_JY0G:hover{cursor:url(),auto}.HlRz5e{display:block;height:100%;width:100%}.HlRz5e img{max-width:var(--wix-img-max-width,100%)}.HlRz5e[data-animate-blur] img{filter:blur(9px);transition:filter .8s ease-in}.HlRz5e[data-animate-blur] img[data-load-done]{filter:none}.I5zqsT{display:block;height:100%;width:100%}.rYiAuL{cursor:pointer}.gSXewE{height:0;left:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;width:0}.MVY5Lo{box-sizing:border-box;height:100%;width:100%}.NM_OGj{min-height:var(--image-min-height);min-width:var(--image-min-width)}.NM_OGj img{filter:var(--filter-effect-svg-url);-webkit-mask-image:var(--mask-image,none);mask-image:var(--mask-image,none);-webkit-mask-position:var(--mask-position,0);mask-position:var(--mask-position,0);-webkit-mask-repeat:var(--mask-repeat,no-repeat);mask-repeat:var(--mask-repeat,no-repeat);-webkit-mask-size:var(--mask-size,100% 100%);mask-size:var(--mask-size,100% 100%);-o-object-position:var(--object-position);object-position:var(--object-position)}.v__F4U .MVY5Lo{background-color:rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-brd,1));border-color:rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-brd,1));border-radius:var(--rd,5px);border-style:solid;border-width:var(--brw,2px);box-shadow:var(--shd,0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5));display:block;height:100%;overflow:hidden}.v__F4U .NM_OGj{border-radius:calc(var(--sizeRd, var(--rd, 5px)) - var(--sizeBrw, var(--brw, 2px)));overflow:hidden} Wins the CS8 in fashion division will include Sacred Heart-Griffin, Springfield,. 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